Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Starting of the End

This month has been pretty crazy. It started off pretty mellow with spring break, but once that was over, we hit the ground running. The crazy pace of how fast everything is being thrown at us kind of made me realize that I'm going to be graduating in just a month and a half. When we received our final presentation rubrics, my jaw dropped. Final presentations seemed like such a ways away, but there it was, the rubric staring at me right in the face! I honestly have no idea how I'm going to cope with all the things that will be going down in May since I barely survived this month. On the bright side, I finished my independent component! woo! I was finally able to meet up with Lawrence, and I spent a good chunk with the boy on the days I saw him. I really don't feel like going into details right now, but here are some pictures. (I used them on my independent component 2 post. lmao)
Lawrence and I playing with his cousins in the ocean. I would ask him "How does the water feel?" or "What do you want to do in the water?" Since this was in the beginning of my independent component, he didn't respond much to my questions since he was still shy and not use to my presence.

Lawrence playing some sick Minecraft. 

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