Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fourth Interview Questions

Title: Fourth Interview Questions
Label: Interviews
Due Date: Thursday, March 12, 2015

Content: Post 20 open-ended questions you want to ask an expert in the field concerning your senior project. The focus of your questions should be on your answer to your EQ.
  1. How many languages are you fluent in and what age did you learn these languages?
  2. What helped you acquire these languages?
  3. What do you feel are the most important factors of child second language acquisition?
  4. Do you feel like there is a difference between learning and acquiring a language?
  5. What strategies do you use when teaching the children English?
  6. What makes being an ESL teacher enjoyable?
  7. Why did you want to become an ESL teacher?
  8. What are some special conditions to consider when analyzing a child's language competence level?
  9. Do you feel like patience is an important factor to child second language acquisition, or are there more important things other than that?
  10. Have you ever taught ESL for middle school students?
  11. How can I elaborate on my three EQ answers?
  12. Do you support the use of the child's first language within the classroom or do you prefer the students to stick to English only?
  13. Which type of education do you feel is better for children learning a second language: bilingual education or ESL pull-out programs?
  14. What do you do when a child goes through their Silent Period and refuses to talk?
  15. How do you make your students more comfortable in the learning environment?
  16. What is the most difficult obstacle you had to face when teaching children English as a second language?
  17. How can you ensure understanding between the child and the teacher?
  18. What are your opinions on writing drills?
  19. Do you teach based on Krashen's Monitor Model?
  20. What is some advice you can give me when it comes to teaching a child English as a second language?

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