At the beginning of presentations, I start off strong and I do have a lot of things to say throughout my presentations. However, with every word I stumble on and every mistake that's made, the more that strength deteriorates and the more nervous I get. I guess you could say I'm a glass cannon when it comes to presentations.
Lesson 2 did not go as smoothly as I had wanted it to go. I spent hours preparing only to continuously stumble on my words, create awkward pauses, and repeat things that have already been said during the actual presentation. It was kind of embarrassing on my part. :[ 悲しい(sad). Perhaps stopping to take a deep breath during my final presentation would prevent my nerves from overwhelming me. Despite numerous amounts of people telling me that I did much better than I think I did, my presentation could have gone much better. But, that's all gone now. As Elsa would say, "The past is in the past. LET IT GOOOOOO~"
ありのままの姿見せるのよ。 |